Hello there !

Nice to meet you! :) I am Bhavya, the bird sitter @ BirdieBnB. This website is designed by myself for helping out the bird parents in purchasing the right products than spending money on fancy bird products. The products listed are practically very useful and recommended by many bird parents including myself.

Vitamins for birds

 Vitamins are really important for pet birds . A bird living outdoor knows how to survive and eats every good stuff . What about our lil feathered friend ? Too picky .” I like blueberries, I hate spinach . I love spinach .. but I hate apples . “ 

We end up giving them what they like the most . Because we hate to see them starve. 

So here’s one question to you . If your kid loves chocolate and would demand to have it as breakfast, lunch and dinner .. would you blindly give it to him/ her ?  I understand you completely love your birdie . So, try hard to make them eat healthy. Vitamin deficiency can really hit them hard . It’s a much worse condition you could ever imagine . 

Meanwhile, just to make sure your birdie is getting every vitamins and minerals needed . You should consider giving them vitamins. It helps a bird during stressed conditions, to be strong from inside . So, a regular intake of vitamins is necessary. You could consult your Vet and decide on which vitamins . 

I am listing two suggested ones .