Hello there !

Nice to meet you! :) I am Bhavya, the bird sitter @ BirdieBnB. This website is designed by myself for helping out the bird parents in purchasing the right products than spending money on fancy bird products. The products listed are practically very useful and recommended by many bird parents including myself.

Bird safe cleaning supplies

 Our feathered friends are quite sensitive to everything. So, we need to keep that in mind , while we think of cleaning supplies . 

Here’s my list for you : 

  • Spray bottle filled with water .
  • Cleaning solution: Spray bottle filled with 90% water+ 10% white vinegar + few drops of dish soap . 
  • Bottle brush ( helps to get the dirt that gets stuck in between the cage bars. 
  • Rubber gloves 
  • Warm water in a bucket . 
  • Cleaning cloth 

Spray the cleaning solution on to the surfaces that need to be cleaned . Wait for 5 mins and try wiping it out .  It should do the trick . 

I use warm water instead of normal temperature, this really saves a lot of time. The warmer the water , the easier the dirt gets out  Oh .. Do it only if you can withstand it .