Hello there !

Nice to meet you! :) I am Bhavya, the bird sitter @ BirdieBnB. This website is designed by myself for helping out the bird parents in purchasing the right products than spending money on fancy bird products. The products listed are practically very useful and recommended by many bird parents including myself.

Rehoming birds


This is the latest trend now . 

During Covid time , when we all were locked in our own home and we wanted a distraction. We owned a pet ( a dog , a cat, even birds ) . We gave them love , they loved you back till the end of pandemic. Then , we got our life back with lots of work , adventures etc . Now, we have no time for our pets . You see multiple ads for rehoming all over social media. Wowww .. how convenient!   Just because they don’t talk back , you decided to sell them . Yes , I totally understand that their vet bills are high , pet hoarding rates are high . But, why at the first place you decided to get a pet ?  

” Rehoming birds “ is something that I wouldn’t advertise on my page as a service . It will never be part of my way of earning money. My passion is to let a bird live it’s life with full respect, care and lots of love . 

I believe when you decide to get a bird , it’s 100% your responsibility to take care of your bird . If your life situations changes , even then.. take it as your responsibility to find a good home for your bird(s) . Your bird trusted you and loved you all these years . Don’t you at least want to thank them for the unconditional love that you got . Yes, there are a lot of places who does rehoming , with a small fee . I totally respect them , it’s their way for earning money.  But, don’t your think it should be you who should find a good home for your child and not a stranger. If your excuse is that you don’t know the process of rehoming, then research about it . There is an answer for everything. If I can do it for you.. so can you . 

All I want to say is .. “Think about it. “ 

A big hug 🤗 to those who treat their pets with all the love and care .